Verdict Out on ActiveSync and Google

In “Google Time”, the availability of ActiveSync for calendar and contact synchronization with iPhone, Windows Mobile, and other PDA’s is old news (announced on 09-Feb-2009). Currently, the team at Horizon is prepping our contacts and calendars so that we can fully test the new features. The big caveat is that starting up ActiveSync replaces all […]

If Microsoft Resellers Don’t Like Licensing Options …

If Microsoft’s resellers don’t like the licensing options available to small and mid-size businesses (SMB’s), why should you? Yesterday, ChannelWeb (A CMP Publication) reported that Microsoft was mulling over changes to its SMB volume licensing programs, again. This is just another salvo in the ongoing debate over licensing complexity championed by David Schrag and other […]

Pundits Mix, Match, and Misunderstand Google’s Enterprise Solutions

On February 11, Keith Ferrell posted a blog entry at entitled Google Apps: Right For The Small Business Buck? (And Does Google Even Want Your Bucks?). In the article, Mr. Ferrell confuses the market positioning of Google’s Message Encryption Service, part of the Google Apps Security and Compliance Suite, with Google Apps Premier Edition […]

More Offline Features

Google Apps Premier Edition offline (Beta!) now includes offline, read-only access to your calendar.This represents another example of the continuous, incremental development and improvement strategy behind Google products and services.

Google Apps Contacts Mature

One of the differences between Google Apps Premier Edition and MS Outlook with Exchange is that Google Apps does not have the concept of the Global Address List. Companies use the GAL to share contacts and distribution lists, even though the GAL is a separate entity from the Personal Address Book, which is also separate […]

Incremental Improvements in Gmail Should Help Enterprise Adoption

Google Apps Enterprise Edition users have seen some a number of small changes to the user Gmail user interface. While some are cosmetic — colors, borders, highlights — others should ease user adoption and comfort with Gmail. One of these changes is the Move to button that appeared this morning.One of the big differences between […]

Will There be a G Drive in Our Future?

Several stories like this one from Jan 30 on ChannelWeb point to signs that the often-rumored GDrive is coming from Google. Like Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (a.k.a S3 Drive), the word on the street is that Google’s GDrive will provide large quantities of low cost, or even free, storage in the cloud. More interesting with […]

Offline Access for Gmail

With the recent announcement that users can access their Gmail service offline, Google continues to move Google Apps towards a fully independent working environment. Offline access to Gmail should mitigate the need for other email clients, such as Outlook. For Google Apps Premier Edition, some offline capability already exists across the Docs, Spreadsheets, and Presentation […]

Tech Media Miss the Mark on Google App Reseller Launch

When Google announced the launch of the Google Apps reseller channel on January 14, the technology press and reseller channel pressed jumped on the story as this is big news for the industry. Google continues to prove it is serious about enterprise computing and challenging the status quo models for in-house computing. With the opening […]